Undergraduate Degree in Social Education

The course Diversity and Equality in Education has been given since the academic year 2010-11 as part of the program of the Undergraduate Degree in Social Education. The professors are Teresa Aguado and Patricia Mata.

From the perspective of this course, human diversity must be seen as a fact in education, a reality, nothing more. We are diverse and it is based on this diversity that we must propose achieving more equal opportunities for everyone. Achieving this equality of opportunity is an obligatory indicator for evaluating the quality of any education system or proposals. Equality is a value, an ideal to strive for, and requires an ethical commitment.

The topics of the program develop these basic ideas using readings that present the most relevant issues in relation to the articulation between diversity, equity, and quality in education. Individual and cooperative activities are proposed. Documentary resources from different sources are offered.

More information: (course guide 2017-18)

Starting in 2012-13, the following elective courses are offered:

Educación intercultural. Professor: Teresa Aguado & Patricia Mata

More information: (course guide 2017-18)

Social Justice and Education. Professor: Beatriz Malik      In English!

More information: (course guide 2017-18)

Schools for all. Professor: Teresa Aguado        In English!

More information: (course guide 2017-18)

Investigación Acción y Sistematización de Prácticas en Educación Social. Professor: Belén Ballesteros

More information: (course guide 2017-18)