Grupo de Investigación en
Sistemas de Orientación Psicopedagógica
y competencias de los orientadores
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ERASMUS + (2018-2020)




Tipo de proyecto: ERASMUS+ Programme. Key Action 3 (KA3): Support for Policy Reform-Initiatives for Policy Innovation – “Forward Looking Cooperation Projects”.

Proyect number: 590202-EPP-1-2017-1-NL-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD

Comienzo: 01-01-2018   / Finalización: 31-12-2020

General coordinator: European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU)

Project coordinator: Darco Jansen. Board member of EADTU

Partner 5-UNED Coordinator: Consuelo Vélaz-de-Medrano Ureta.


This project is about forward looking, forward thinking and forward acting with regard to the integration of SLPs in higher education systems. It starts with identifying the concept and position of SLPs in higher education, analysing European, national and institutional policies and looking for a consensus on SLPs as a structure responding to the needs in the economy and society at large. In this concept, SLPs respond to mismatches and gaps in knowledge/skills and needs for personal development. Online/blended SLPs are flexible and scalable and enable universities to serve large numbers of learners.


The project looks how institutions take this forward in policies, strategies and funding/business models within the context of national frameworks. It will raise the capacity of universities with patterns of good practices with regard to pedagogies, technologies, organisational support and business models for these innovative curricula. It will create an expert pool to enlarge this capacity by on site seminars for university leaders and teaching staff (CPD). It will develop guidelines for collaborative curricula and mobility in order to increase the scale and impact of SLPs internationally based on pilot studies. It will deal with issues on the recognition of SLPs and their compliance with the (renewed) EQF as well as with quality assurance and accreditation procedures. It will stimulate the public demand for SLPs by companies and learners by a joint portal. Throughout the project, a Stakeholder Group with main stakeholders (students, universities, employers and employees, governments, EUA, EURASHE and ESU) will point to all policy implications, using the Roma-technique, ending with a set of recommendations for policy makers at the institutional, national and European level.




Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

Concurso Nacional, 1995

El desarrollo profesional del orientador de Educación Secundaria

(1996 - 1998)

                           Comisión Europea

Ref.: IT/06/C/F/TH-81406

Proyecto LEONARDO EAS-European Accreditation Scheme for Careers Guidance

(2006 - 2009)


Ref.: D/012354/07

Creación de un servicio de orientación e inserción sociolaboral en la universidad
San Carlos de Guatemala

(2008 - 2013)

IFFIE. Ministerio de Educación

Contrato de Investigación
Análisis de los procesos de diseño, gestión y generalización de nuevos sistemas de orientación y apoyo escolar. Elaboración y contraste del modelo teórico en 6 Comunidades Autónomas

(2007 - 2008)

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Ref.: EDU2008-06389
Evolución de los modelos institucionales de Orientación en 9 CC.AA. españolas: encuesta a orientadores, tutores y directores de centro.

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

Ref.: EDU2012-37942
Mapa de los sistemas públicos de orientación y apoyo escolar en las CC.AA. españolas. Evaluación comparada con los sistemas vigentes en la UE
