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Institución Coordinadora



  The decision to undertake the project "the European dimension of the school coexistence problems: prevention, diagnosis and intervention" was adopted once we realized how daily life in schools deteriorates in European societies. The explicit objectives of schools are a  transmission of knowledge and the socialization of the young people in order to promote their social integration. Coexistence problems in schools is a very relevant issue which affects  the learning process of young people and its development as citizens.

  These coexistence problems are implied to the whole Educational community: students, parents and specially teachers, as they are the main responsible to carry out the educational work in schools. In spite of it, the teaching staff feels that they have not acquired the necessary tools  to manage these problems that are related to their professional activity. This has serious consequences: depressions, medical leaves, burnt-out syndrome and more.

  The purpose of this project is to respond to this demand that has been barely taken care of so far, although it is necessary to emphasize the efforts made from different instances. The final aim for this project is to research on the current state of school coexistence in order to create materials and curriculum for the teachers. We expect to contribute for a better school coexistence providing in-service secondary school teachers with the appropriate tools.




Socios participantes










Este proyecto está siendo financiado conjuntamente con fondos de la Comisión Europea y de las Instituciones participantes en el mismo. Los contenidos y opiniones vertidas en este site están sujetos a la legislación  sobre derechos de autor y responsabilidad legal del Programa Sócrates.