David Teira 
Ph.D. University College London | Associate professor [Profesor titular]                       CV  (June 2013)


Investigación | Research...

[Specialization] History and philosophy of statistics: I am now working on the role of impartiality in the design and interpretation  of clinical trials. I have also worked on the epistemological implications of the statistical techniques applied in early demand theory and their impact on Milton Friedman's methodological stance. Now and then I work on the early history of probability (the Bernoullis) 

[Competence] I have also done some research on analytical Marxism and taught general courses on Economic methodology, Ethics and Economics, Philosophy of the Social Sciences and History of Science. 

{*** Papers ***}

[Research projects] Currently leading the research project "Biases in experiments with humans in the social and biomedical sciences" funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science. The members of the research team are Jason Dana (UPenn), Francesco Guala (Milan), María Jiménez Buedo (UNED). 

Docencia y Gestión| Teaching & Admin ...

[OpenTextBook] Filosofía de las ciencias sociales (2013)

[OpenCourseWare] Filosofía de las ciencias sociales

[Gestión]:  Director del Departamento | Head of Department

Previous positions | He sido profesor anteriormente en: Universidad Europea de Madrid (Dpto. de Humanidades: 2001-2003), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Dpto. de Economía: 2001-2003), Universidad de Salamanca (Dpto. de Filosofía: 2003-2005)

Visiting fellowships: Chaire Hoover UCL (1997), CAMS-EHESS (1997, 1999, 2000), CPNSS-LSE (2007-2008), Wellcome trust Centre for the History of Medicine (2009) | European School of Molecular Medicine (2013)


Research associate of the Urrutia Elejalde Foundation

Consulting editor: THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science

Organizing committee: New Philosophy of the Social Sciences (2006), Social norms (2008), INEM 2008, Winter workshop series, Philosophy of medicine roundtable (2009, 2011) 

Premios: Premio extraordinario de licenciatura (UNED 1996), Premio extraordinario de  doctorado (UNED 2003), Premio a la mejor tesis doctoral (2001-2003) de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la ciencia en España, Beca José Castillejo (2007), Premio Joven Investigador UNED-Banco de Santander (2008), Finalista Premios OCW Universia 2010

"Cómo publicar en revistas de filosofía": un vídeo para doctorandos (2013) 
Otros textos (ediciones, traducciones, reseñas)



Dirección | Address

Dpto. de Lógica, Historia y Filosofía de la ciencia
UNED. Humanidades
Paseo de Senda del rey 7
28040 Madrid

Tf.. (34) 91 398 83 92

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