Ministry of Science and Technology. Aid to Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects

Coordinator: Teresa Aguado Odina

Ref: BS02003-04401

Duration: 2003-2006


The initial assumption on which the issue under study is based is the consideration that education should, as a priority in the compulsory phase, attend to students’ cultural differences. There are two reasons for this: first, axiological reasons derived from the principles held by societies that defend the rights to equality, equity, and social participation and second, because this is the guarantee that makes it possible to achieve essential educational objectives, such as the construction of one’s own cultural identity and equal opportunity to gain access to all the socioeducational goods and resources available.

The objective of the project is to test a causal explanatory model that describes the relations between variables related to the achievement in compulsory education of students belonging to different cultural groups. The research starts out with an exploratory model established in previous research (Aguado and collaborators., 1999) that identifies critical variables (of context and process) that are related to the achievement in primary school of students belonging to different cultural groups.

The causal model is made up of ten constructs: previous school experience, student’s level of command of the school language, parents’ educational level, didactic strategies and resources used in class, student diagnosis and evaluation, teacher’s teaching and intercultural communication style, overall performance, student’s specific performance (language, mathematics, social sciences), student’s intercultural communication.

The causal model described will be tested with an application of the LISREL approach, a method whose purpose is not to discover causes but rather to validate causal models previously created, based on theory and/or previous evidence. The application of this approach requires a causal model to test and the specification of the variables and constructs that make it up.



Teresa Aguado

Research team:

Beatriz Malik, Rosario Jiménez-Frías, Beatriz Álvarez, Belén Ballesteros, Marifé Sánchez, Inés Gil Jaurena, José A. Téllez, Caridad Hernández.


Final report (Cultural diversity and school achievement)

Report Annexes

Publications related to the project

  • Aguado Odina, Teresa (coord.). (2010). Diversidad cultural y logros de los estudiantes en educación obligatoria. Lo que sucede en las escuelas. Madrid: MEC-UNED. Estudios del CREADE nº 4. ISBN: 978-84-369-4858-5. Descargar libro en pdf
  • Gil Jaurena, Inés. (2008). El enfoque intercutural en educación primaria: una mirada a la práctica escolar. Tesis doctoral inédita. Madrid: UNED. Consultar tesis en el repositorio institucional de la UNED
  • Gil Jaurena, Inés. (2010). Cultural diversity in compulsory education: an overview of the context of Madrid (Spain), en Intercultural Education, vol. 21, nº 4. Pp. 299-315. ISSN: 1469-8439 (edición electrónica), ISSN: 1467-5986 (edición en papel).
  • Gil Jaurena, Inés. (2007). Percepciones de la diversidad y de los logros escolares. Análisis desde un enfoque intercultural, Emigra Working Papers, nº 87. Pp. 1-20. ISSN: 2013-3804. Descargar artículo en pdf
  • Gil Jaurena, Inés. (2012). Intercultural education in Madrid: contrasting scenarios of school practice, en Nektaria Palaiologou y Gunther Dietz (eds.). Mapping the Broad Field of Multicultural and Intercultural Education Worldwide: Towards the Development of a New Citizen. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-4438-4031-6. Pp. 135-153.
  • Aguado, Teresa y Malik, Beatriz. (2010). Multicultural and Intercultural Education in Spain, en Carl A. Grant y Agostino Portera (eds.). Intercultural and Multicultural Education. Enhancing global interconnectedness. New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-87674-2.
  • Aguado, Teresa. (2009). The Education of Ethnic, Racial, and Cultural Minority Groups in Spain, en James A. Banks (ed.). The Routledge International Companion to Multicultural Education. New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-88078-7.
  • Gil Jaurena, Inés (2009). Diversidad cultural en educación obligatoria. ¿Qué sucede en las escuelas?, en Fernández Montes, Matilde y Mullauer-Seichter, Waltraud (coords.). La integración escolar a debate. Madrid: Pearson / Prentice Hall. ISBN: 978-84-205-4518-9. Pp. 143-169.
  • Gil Jaurena, Inés. (2010). "Enfoque intercultural y formación del profesorado. Opiniones de maestros/as y propuestas para la formación", I Congreso Virtual de Formación del Profesorado, 9-11 diciembre 2010. Comunicación. Publicación electrónica, J. Maquillón et al. (coords.). Cambios educativos y formativos para el desarrollo humano y sostenible. Murcia: EDIT.UM - Ediciones Universidad de Murcia. ISBN: 978-84-694-2843-6. Pp. 313-321. Descargar publicación completa en pdf
  • Gil Jaurena, Inés. (2009). "Intercultural education and school practice in Madrid: 'best' and 'worst' scenarios", Congreso Internacional de la IAIE: intercultural education: paideia, polity, demoi, Atenas (Grecia), junio 2009. Comunicación. Publicación: CD-Rom, ISBN: 978-960-98897-0-4.
  • Aguado, Teresa; Mata, Patricia y Gil Jaurena, Inés. (2008). "Cultural diversity and schooling achievement of the students in compulsary education. What is happening in the schools", European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2008: from teaching to learning?, Goteborg (Suecia), 8-12 septiembre 2008. Comunicación.