INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCES FOR TEACHERS: Development of counselors' and teachers' intercultural competences


Coordinator: Beatriz Malik Liévano

Duration: 2002-2003


To define what intercultural skills in counseling mean and how they can be evaluated.

To carry out a needs analysis on intercultural skills among counselors.

Based on the skills defined by Sue and Sue, Sue and others (1990 and later works), and made operative by Arredondo and others (1996), we plan to analyze these skills in the Spanish context (and, more broadly, in the European context) in order to determine which of these skills can be applied to our context.

To propose other skills and/or indicators, in addition to the previous ones, that fit our context.

To detect training needs in these skills.

To design a training program in intercultural skills, based on the needs analysis carried out.



Beatriz Malik Liévano

Research team:

Belén Ballesteros, José Luis Castellano, Begoña Fernández, Patricia Mata, Marta Rodríguez Aller, Marifé Sánchez, Inmaculada Sutil, José Antonio Téllez


Although the research is in its initial phase, one topic has been published as a result of the theoretical foundation (Malik Liévano, Beatriz, 2003). Intervenciones para la adquisición de competencias interculturales. In Repetto, E. (coord.) Modelos de Orientación e Intervención Psicopedagógica. Volume 2. Madrid: UNED. pp. 424-452. Another document that is the starting point for the project has also been prepared (Malik, B., 2003). Desarrollo de competencias interculturales. Material para un curso de doctorado.

Two students from the doctoral program "Diversity and School Equality" have done their research project for obtaining the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in this project.

Another piece of research related to this project is the doctoral thesis of one of the members of the research team, José Luis Castellano, directed by Teresa Aguado. This researcher analyzes intercultural skills for developing the degree of Open University Orientation Services (in open universities in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Spain). A poster was presented at the XI Congreso Nacional de Modelos de Investigación Educativa: "Investigación y Sociedad" GRANADA, September 25-27, 2003.

Development of intercultural competences (report)